Practice Makes Permanent: Creating Muscle Memory in Athletes
Posted by Tennis Supply Team on 8/1/2014 to
Human beings are already hard-wired with the components of muscle memory. When performing gross or fine motor skills, we activate muscles without any conscious thought.
Quick Start Guide: Essential Components for Building a Tennis Court
Posted by Tennis Court Supply on 7/8/2014 to
Tennis Court Prep & Maintenance
Do you dream of becoming the next Serena Williams or Roger Federer? Whether you want to become a tennis star or you are just looking for a fun sport to stay in shape, building a tennis court is a great place to start.
Things to Consider While Buying Tennis Shoes
Posted by Tennis Court Supply on 7/3/2014 to
With so many different types of tennis shoes on offer, it is imperative that you pick the perfect pair.
Best Never to Win
Posted by Tennis Supply Team on 6/14/2014 to
We are coming up on one of the most popular tennis tournaments in the world - the grass-court Grand Slam championship known as Wimbledon, held over two weeks in late June and early July in England.
How to Maintain Clay Tennis Courts
Posted by Tennis Supply Team on 5/25/2014 to
Clay Tennis Court Maintenance & Info
If you want to maintain your tennis court in its original mint condition, there are several factors that need to be looked into. You need to hire competent maintenance professionals who can tend to your courts on a daily and long term basis. Here are some tips to help your preserve the quality of your tennis courts.
Improve Tennis Players’ Experience by Providing Different Shade Options
Posted by Tennis Supply Team on 5/22/2014 to
Playing a few games of tennis under the searing sun with no shade in sight can be difficult for tennis players. Running after the balls, baseline rallies and long points can put a strain on the players’ body and fighting spirit.
Keeping Your Tennis Court in the Best Shape Possible
Posted by Parry on 5/8/2014 to
Tennis Court Prep & Maintenance
Keeping a home tennis court in the best shape possible ensures that it can be enjoyed for years, potentially preventing injuries while players enjoy trouble-free matches.